Goddess Guide



Index of BEB:

This encyclopedia is being created to give you a manual of all the things you need to live a high vibe life; broken down into sections with an easy-to-use index to reference when specific topics are needed



Learn about my absolute favorite goddesses that reside in the stars and how beautifully their examples can influence our lives

Journal Style

I share all of my journaling techniques so you can find the one that fits your unique style and emotions.

Affirm It

Reference guides to quickly research high-vibe affirmations and meditations to lift your mood and uproot negative patterns


sections for raising your vibe when you’re sad, depressed, or feeling disconnected

sections for upleveling to receive more wealth, health, and abundance


Two (2) FREE 30 minute one-on-one session with me (valued at $111 and usually only available to current clients)

A year subscription to my high-vibe health magazine (12 issues)


The Everything

I created this gorgeous encyclopedia to house all of the research I’ve done and lessons I’ve learned and tools I’m absolutely in love with. It’s the ultimate compilation of all things high-vibe: the intimate, the goddess-worthy, the fabulous. This is a creation of all my years of experimentation, highs, lows, and lessons learned - all of the lovely methods I turn to so I can soothe my thoughts and create the life of my dreams. This encyclopedia is my everything guide.