Morning Journal Vibes and Allowing your Inner Guide to Speak her Mind

Hello beautiful ladies!

We kick off Thanksgiving week with De la Ferme a la Table at 4 PM today! Making the world’s best dessert (if I do say so myself) and getting the cornish hen marinating in preparation for the big day tomorrow. No worries if you miss it – I’ll be posting the Salted Caramel Kahlua Cheesecake recipe to the blog soon and there will be a replay available on my business FB page, check it out here at any time. Do you have any special traditions for Thanksgiving?


Thanksgiving is a special reminder for us to practice gratitude. It’s a beautiful reminder to remain grateful for the special parts of our life that we often take for granted – family, friends, a home cooked meal, and a day off to spend with those who matter most. Some people believe that we shouldn’t need specific days to remind us to be grateful or to spend time with family but I disagree. I believe we all need reminders from time to time and we can all benefit from the Universe stepping in and clearing the way for us to come together. The important part is that we take this gratitude further than just the prayer over the meal tomorrow night.


Gratitude journaling is a huge part of my morning journal routine. I write 3 – 10 things (depending on the style of journaling on feel inclined to do – more on that later) I’m grateful for from the previous day. Sometimes I wake up in the morning carrying a heavy heart from the day before; maybe there was a fight or I went to sleep obsessing over something I am embarrassed about. When I reach for my journal and begin to dig past the negative feelings in search of golden moments, something magical happens. Slowly the heaviness begins to lift and my heart feels warm in the embrace of those golden moments.


This practice was created by one of my mentors, Gabby Bernstein. She created this special method to change your mindset from ‘life happens to me’ to ‘life happens for me’. Essentially, you design your day in the morning in the same way you’d design a graphic – exactly how you want it to look! The purpose of the daily design method is to dream big and let your heart expand, pouring your desires onto the page in the past tense like you’re writing a journal entry before bed about how amazing the day went. Write desired outcomes of projects you’re working on, manifestations you’re working on coming to fruition, exceptional encounters with amazing new people, or even as simple as a stress-free commute to work.


The concept of morning pages was created by Julia Cameron (learn more here). The intention is to allow your inner guide to speak to you, opening the communication channel between your guide and your conscious mind. She challenges you to free-write three pages each morning. Put your pen to the page and just go with no editing or proofreading allowed. Write without judgment – it doesn’t even have to make sense! It’s tough at first but after you open this channel, it becomes easier and exciting to see what your guide has to say. She’s a loving woman that always has your best interest at heart – it oftentimes becomes a love letter you can rely on to give you strength, courage, and direction. However, don’t get frustrated if it’s not what you ‘think’ it should be, don’t overthink it – these are your unique pages so whatever happens is perfect.

“They are about anything and everything that crosses your mind– and they are for your eyes only. Morning Pages provoke, clarify, comfort, cajole, prioritize and synchronize the day at hand.” – Julia Cameron


Challenge yourself to extend your gratitude practice beyond November 28th. Use this opportunity to ignite a fire of warm gratefulness for life. Even if you begin your day simply grateful that you were able to walk yesterday, that you maintain the ability to be mobile and you have the gift of sight (gifts that not everyone has). Gratitude is a tool that grows with you; the more you shine a light on the things you appreciate, the more your life will hand you things to be grateful for.

If you desire to take your journaling or gratitude practice to the next level: join me in the Goddess of Modern Minutes masterclass – there are still 4 days left to enroll! In GMM we’ll be spending 6 weeks diving deeper into the benefits and techniques of journaling, how to uplevel your mindset when you’re stuck in a funk of negativity, and you’ll receive a special journaling guide that is only available to those enrolled in GMM, and so much more!

Check out GMM Masterclass


Goddess Must-Reads Part II


Winter Seasons and Following Flow: What This Means for a Bossbabe