Vision Board: The Difference Between Success and Dreaming
We all know that vision boards are referenced constantly. Create a vision board to manifest your dreams, create a vision board to shift your reality, create a vision board to overhaul your life. Vision boards are everywhere. Ladies create vision boards to manifest anything from luxury lifestyles to creating a life of complete solace in the woods. It bodes the question: does a vision board actually impact your future. Spoiler alert: the answer is…sort of.
Vague I know…but bare with me.
I want you to sit still for a moment and take a deep breath in and out. Take another one. Now close your eyes (after you’ve finished reading this…obviously) and imagine your dream life. Let go of the need for more money, let go judgment, let go of anxiety, let go of fear. Just dream of what you would want if you could have literally anything in the world. How big does your dream get?
Where do you see yourself living?
Who are your friends?
Do you have a significant other?
What car do you drive?
What does your house look like?
Do you travel the world?
What do you do in your spare time for fun?
Ok…close your eyes and go!
Now that you’re back, what did you see? Did you imagine Louboutins and a private jet? Did you imagine a cabin in the woods? Did you imagine retiring your parents? Or traveling the world? Whatever it was that you imagined – this is your true self, girlfriend! This is what your soul truly desires and what you’re on this earth to achieve. Now, before you reach for the glue and printer paper…think of this. Who is living this dream in your imagination…is it some random chick or is it you? Obviously, it’s you!
So, now take a minute and think about what putting some random chick on your vision board is going to do. I love the idea of boards, but printing out a Pinterest image of some gorgeous chick sitting on the beach under a palm tree…is that going to manifest YOUR future?
Imageboards are important. Images speak a thousand words and that’s important in making your dreams come true. However, putting someone else in a photo that’s living your dreams can spark feelings of envy and guilt. That’s the opposite of what you’re trying to do!
Instead of a vision board…create an Action Board:
Want to lose weight?
Images of healthy foods
Gym memberships
Your favorite classes (think Pole classes – feeling sexy and working out at the same time is the holy grail of exercise)
Write down inspirational quotes to motivate you
Want to make more money?
Write down more inspirational quotes
Images of brand colors for your business
Fabric samples
Real estate for rent or purchase
Write down the amount you want to manifest and your goals for the future
Schools to get the proper education and skill set
The idea is to imagine what your life is going to be, then figure out what is between you and that vision. What do you need to do? Create an action plan to start working towards your goals and map out what you will need to do to achieve your dreams. Then spend time focusing on the actions and details to envision your future with you in them.
You don’t need vision boards of other people’s lives, you need an action plan to get from A to B!
Let’s get to mapping, babe – you’ve got an adventure to begin!